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Take Courage and Walk

Take courage and go forth in your gift from God, whatever it may be, and always bearing in mind that the success of any effort requires commitment, dedication, discipline and courage. Courage does not fear erase fear, but Courage compels us to go forward inspite the fear of the fear.

Implement your quiet time, keep a pure heart and a clean heart; walk in the Spirit of God and you will know that Christ is faithful over God's house. We are His house, but we must hold on our"... courage and hope of which we boast."

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Dream big. Trust God. Fulfill your destiny.
God has placed unique dreams within you - dream big, knowing that His plans exceed your imagination. Trust him through every step, even when path is unclear, because his guidance never fails. As you walk in faith, using you  the gifts he's given you, you will fulfill the purpose he created you for. Step forward with confidence -- your destiny is waiting!
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